an independent portrayal of the traveler
from mihoyo's genshin impact,
by su.


gender isn't a concept i see the traveler, an outsider, partaking in beyond indulgence and formation of physical appearance. the traveler would most accurately be described as a femme-aligned non-binary with fluctuating use of they/she pronouns;
being an outlander, the one person in the world of tevyat who knows her native tongue and, consequently, real name, is their sibling: i personally imagine it ringing close to hemera (pronounced i-mé-ra), the personification of day and sibling to aether, personification of the bright upper sky, in greek mythology;
due to remnants suggesting each nation likely possesses one or more regional languages, the name the traveller is referred to by varies from region to region;
mondstadt, lumine. liyue, yíng. inazuma, hotaru. sumeru, roshanee.
fontaine, lumière. natlan, tlauilli. snezhnaya, svetilo.
their default name remains as the traveler - many in-game voice lines refer to her as such. so it feels most appropriate that this be the universal nickname transcending nations;